Next Date: Monday, October 30, 2023

By appointment only.

Breast Thermography Screening

Are you looking for a safe and effective breast cancer screening tool?

Do you have dense breast tissue making mammograms ineffective?

We offer a safe and effective option. Breast Thermography is an FDA-approved screening tool as an adjunct to mammograms.

Cost: $395

Cost includes a 20-minute follow-up with one of our Doctors to review your results.

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Breast Thermography is a test that uses an infrared camera to detect heat patterns and blood flow in body tissues. Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI) is the type of thermography that's used to diagnose abnormal tissues in the breast. DITI reveals temperature differences on the surface of the breasts to diagnose breast cancer.

Thermal Scans can detect irregular breast patterns before a noticeable lump is formed. In fact, Thermography is the only screening tool that can detect inflammatory breast cancer, in which there are no lumps that can be detected by self exam or mammogram.

By adding Thermal Scans to your annual exams and breast imaging studies (mammograms, ultrasound, MRI), you can improve your chances for early breast cancer detection by 97%. All women can benefit, but it is especially useful for women whose denser and more vascular breast tissue makes it more difficult for mammography to be effective.

With one in eight women getting diagnosed, it’s never too early to start breast cancer prevention.